1961 - 2023
Organiste / Compositrice

Organist / Composer
Presse / Reviews
Musicienne aussi sensible qu’intelligente, Rachel Laurin possède en outre une solide et impressionnante technique instrumentale. Elle est sans doute l’un des plus beaux exemples de la relève de l’école d’orgue du Québec. Montréal, Le Devoir.
…l’écriture massive, grandiloquente, lisztienne de Marcel Dupré, a trouvé en Rachel Laurin une interprète pleinement convaincue et convaincante. Intérieure dans le délicat Lamento, virtuose éblouissante dans les Deux Esquisses, elle atteignit ensuite les plus hauts sommets comme technicienne et comme musicienne dans la longue Évocation…dans laquelle elle suggéra l’orchestre par une registration dévoilant plusieurs plans sonores. Ovationnée par le public, debout, elle accorda un rappel, une improvisation qu’elle a voulue « à la Dupré », justement. Montréal, La Presse.
Rachel Laurin : magique et magistrale ! Marchienne, Belgique

Le souffle, l’énergie, le plaisir communicatif aussi, avec lesquels elle traversa le vertigineux Final de la Sixième Symphonie de Vierne secoué de double-croches à la pédale, a laissé l’auditeur pantois. Montréal, La Presse (dernier des recitals des Six symphonies de Vierne)
Having rendered the "General indications of registrations”, with imagination, taste and with a veritable science of organ playing…Rachel Laurin brought very convincing enlightenment to this music that, under other hands, may appear to be rather dull. Montreal, La Presse (Translation: Gilles Leclerc)
Rachel Laurin’s organ recital at St Peter’s Cathedral Basilica on Thursday, July 21st, was a perfect union of performer, instrument, environment and repertoire. St Peter’s impressive soaring space, resplendent with colour and noteworthy acoustic, perfectly complemented Laurin’s stylish playing... The performance of Rachel Laurin’s own compositions was perhaps the highlight of the concert. We were swept along by her Étude Héroïque, Op.38 –music that shimmered with life and lived up to its title…and Daveluy’s Toccata from Sonata No.6 which finished the concert in a blaze of sound and colour. Organ Canada (on a recital in the National Convention of the RCCO, London, ON)
There was no less excitement at Rachel Laurin’s recital. Beginning with the “Chaconne” from Raymond Daveluy’s Third Sonata, the audience ignored the dictum to hold applause until the end of the recital and burst into enthusiastic applause at the end of the piece... Rachel Laurin is not only a brilliant performer but also an equally brilliant composer. Her skills as a transcriber were next demonstrated by her transcription of Brahms’s Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel. The colorful registrations and stylistic writing for the organ make this a welcome addition to the repertoire and will certainly be taken up by any of a number of organists… Not for the faint-hearted, the Étude is a brilliant tour de force that brought the audience to its feet in rapturous applause. The American Organist (on a recital in the AGO Convention)

Isabelle Demers, Orgue
"Cet enregistrement... démontre de façon convaincante que ses oeuvres pour orgue méritent une place prépondérante dans le répertoire moderne. La musique de Rachel Laurin est solidement ancrée dans la tonalité et porte constamment l’empreinte de sa propre et unique expression musicale." Jim Hildreth, The American Organist
“I highly recommend this recording, wich displays not only a virtuosic organist in Isabelle Demers, but a highly-contrasting selection of organ works by the always exciting composer Rachel Laurin.” Frances Macdonnell, Organ Canada
"Tout simplement un MUST.". (Mixtures)
"While sometimes criticized as being "not contemporary enough", it is this very quality that makes her music so appealing." The American Organist
"Chacune des pièces sur ce nouveau CD a quelque chose de différent et de substantiel à dire...chacune a son propre caractère et porte l'empreinte d'un grand compositeur." J. Y. Duperron, Classical Music Sentinel
"...Rachel Laurin is a compelling interpreter of her own music, demonstrating abundant technical and expressive skill." The American Organist
Raven - OAR-943
Rachel Laurin, Orgue, Karen Holmes, Orgue, Damian Rivers-Moore, Cor d'harmonie, Caroline Leonardelli, Harpe